
Do you have questions about your Pre-Law Preparation? Get connected with an advisor!

Step One: Visit the FSU Career Center drop-in advising to learn more about legal careers and the law school process. Pre-Law Advising is available on a Drop-In basis at the FSU Career Center. Career Advisors can review application documents, and provide general pre-law advising. The Career Center is open Monday through Friday from 9 – 4:30 (closed Fridays 1:30-2:30).  They are located inside the Dunlap Success Center, near the Traditions Parking Garage. If you have questions about their hours or location please call 850-644-6431 or visit 

Pre-Law Advisor Appointments

If you would like to meet with a pre-law advisor, please contact to request an appointment. Include the following information in the body of your email: Major, Classification (Freshman, Junior, Alumni etc.), Anticipated Application Year, Stage of the Process, and Main Questions and Concerns. Be sure to indicate your availability for an appointment for the next two weeks.